1. Can you create multiple accounts on the same valid email address?

No, an error message of “Duplicate Username” will display.

  1. Can you duplicate a cloud account using the same valid credentials?

No, it will display an error.

  1. What is the valid value for chunk size in an active cloud drive?

The chunk size for an active cloud drive can be between 5 to 1024 MB.

  1. What is the maximum cache size for an active cloud drive?

The maximum cache size is 200 GB.

  1. How many files per folder can be there in an active cloud drive?

The number of files per folder can be between 5000 to 100k.

  1. What difference do Stream and Mirror cache settings make in a cloud drive?

Choosing Stream means that cloud files will reside in the selected bucket and you will have immediate access to them but they won’t download automatically while Mirror means files will automatically download from the cloud bucket to your Amove drive on your computer.

7.How many cloud drives can be set up in an Amove account?

Unlimited cloud drives can be set up.

Last updated