
Navigate to Accounts:

Step 1: Sign in to your Amove account. You will be directed to the main dashboard.

Step 2: Click on the Admin button or icon from the left menu.

Step 3: This will redirect you to the Admin Page.

Step 4: Click on the Projects tab from the tabs menu.

Create a New Project

  1. Click on the "Add New Project" button. A popup will appear.

  1. Enter the project name and description.

  1. Click on the "Add Project" button. A pop up message will confirm the project creation.

Manage Projects

Search for a specific project by entering the project name in the search bar then searched project will be shown in the table.

Edit projects by clicking the three dots to change the name and description.

Save changes to update the project. A pop up message will confirm the update.

Click on save changes button

Manage users by clicking "Manage Users", then adding or removing users in the popup.

Save changes to update the users. A pop up message will confirm the update.

Assign teams by clicking "Manage Teams", selecting teams, setting permissions, and saving changes.

A pop up message will confirm the team assignment.

Assign drives by clicking "Manage Drives", selecting drives, and saving changes.

A pop up message will confirm the drive assignment.

Delete projects by clicking "Delete Project" and confirming the action.

A pop up message will confirm the deletion.

Last updated